Sedation Dentistry To Ease Dental Procedures

Sedation Dentistry

If the thought of a dental appointment causes fear or anxiety, you’re not alone. Many adults and children experience dental anxiety, often due to negative past experiences. This fear can make even routine visits seem overwhelming, and some people may choose to endure pain rather than seek dental care.

Sedation dentistry offers a solution for those who are too anxious to undergo necessary dental procedures. This approach helps patients remain calm and relaxed, whether for an invasive treatment or a routine cleaning. Also known as sleep dentistry, it provides a stress-free experience for both children and adults. There are different levels of sedation available, depending on the needs of the patient.

Nitrous Oxide

We provide Nitrous oxide sedation which is a mild and least invasive sedative commonly known as a laughing gas. It helps patients to relax more during dental procedures.

General Anaesthesia

This is suitable for both adults and older children and ensures a complete pain-free dental procedure. This is done in the hospital. When it comes to sedation dentistry, people of almost all ages benefit from it.

Why Choose Our Clinic for Your Sedation Dentistry

The procedure is safe and comfortable

We offer painless treatments

We use the best and safest sedation methods

We provide customized sedation procedures based on the patient’s age and condition

The treatment is done by highly experienced dentists/dental hygienists

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If you have any further queries regarding the dental technology that we use at our clinic or if you are interested in booking a consultation session with one of our dentists, please feel free to get in touch with us online.

Frequently Asked Questions

Sedation dentistry involves using medication to help patients relax during dental procedures. It is often used for individuals with dental anxiety, fear of dental procedures, or those undergoing extensive treatments. Sedation can range from minimal relaxation to deep sedation, depending on the patient’s needs.

 Yes, sedation dentistry is generally safe when administered by trained and qualified dental professionals. Before the procedure, the dentist will review the patient’s medical history to ensure they are a suitable candidate for sedation. Monitoring equipment is used during the procedure to ensure the patient’s safety.

The duration of sedation effects varies based on the type of sedation used. Nitrous oxide wears off quickly, allowing patients to resume normal activities shortly after the procedure. Oral sedatives may have a lingering effect, so patients typically need someone to drive them home. With IV sedation, recovery may take a bit longer, and patients should have a designated caregiver to assist them after the procedure. Your dentist will provide specific post-sedation instructions based on the type used.

 Yes, sedation dentistry can be safe for children when administered by trained and experienced pediatric dentists. The choice of sedation and its dosage is carefully tailored to the child’s age, weight, and health, ensuring a safe and effective dental experience.

At Go Dental Clinic Karama, common sedation options for children include nitrous oxide (laughing gas) for mild relaxation and general anesthesia. The choice depends on the child’s age, anxiety level, and the nature of the dental procedure.

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